Monday, April 21, 2014

It's OK, no one noticed

Last time I talked about how people mess up and we take comfort in no one seeing the mistake, except for those who saw it. At a recent church service, I was in that same position. It was OK, no one noticed.

I was helping to serve communion. This is twice now that I have messed up while serving communion. In this church, the elements are distributed to the people in the pews, then the pastor reads from the Bible, says a blessing and prayer, then the people consume to element.

We had passed out the wine and I was back in the front of the church with the other servers. The pastor said a prayer, then there was a pause. Thinking it was time, I consumed. The pastor then said "After supper he took the cup..." Oops.

No one noticed, right? I looked up and saw the guy sitting in the first pew chuckling at me. I smile then look a few more rows back. Another guy is staring at me with a smirk.

OK, no one noticed, except for two people.

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