Sunday, December 9, 2007

Only 14 More Days to Shop!

Well there are only 14 more shopping days until Christmas, so be sure to buy all the things your friends and family can't live without. I was out shopping today for gifts and a few personal items. No one wished me Merry Christmas and I was oh so offended! The closest I got was the bagger at HEB told me to have a Happy Christmas.

I finally find a new jacket. As you know, I have been wanting a brown corduroy sports coat. I went to Dillard's and ask. They didn't have any brown corduroy sport coats but did have a brown polyester sports coat. I must sadly report that I settled for the polyester coat and ended the quest for the corduroy. It is my only piece of synthetic clothing, except for raingear. I almost exclusively wear cotton or other natural fibers like wool. Nothing ethical or philosophical, I just like the feel of cotton. It may take some use to wearing it!

This morning at church, the choir I am in performed our Christmas concert. One of our songs had a line in it that I liked. It was quite thought provoking. The line was "As his mother held him closely, it was hard to understand. That her baby, not yet speaking, was the word of God to man." When reading the gospels, we have about a 30 year gap from the time of his birth until the start of his ministry. The only story we have from this time period is when Jesus goes to Jerusalem with his parents and stays behind when they leave. It would be interesting to know what he was doing for those 30 years. Just one of the many questions I have to ask God when I get to heaven.

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