Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How did they do that?

Recently, a US drone was reportedly captured by Iran.

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, of the Keshe Foundation, explained how he led the effort to capture the American drone.

The Keshe Foundation is an independent non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer M.T. Keshe aiming to bring about new scientific knowledge, technologies and new solutions for the major global problems like famine, water shortage, shortage of electrical power supply, climate change, illnesses, where at the same time by the use of new types of plasma reactors giving the Man the real freedom of travel in deep Space.

He started by examining how many people argued that Iran was incapable of hacking the link to the drone. He concurred that he hadn't used hacking methods in bringing the drone down.

There is no Hacking , but the use of advanced space technology.

In the past in this forum and in my presentations around Europe and in my international interviews in the past months, I have explained again and again that the Keshe Foundation and Iranian spaceship program has the capability of radar blockage and capture of material in airborne condition.

The Islamic republic of Iran has the capability of capture and landing of any flying object irrespective of their size and speed as seen with capture of one of the most advanced flying crafts in these above videos and the request of so called the most advanced nation on earth for its toy back.

In this case, there has been no malfunctioning of the craft, but this has been a simple capture and landing of an object at high speed through advanced space programs.

He next examined why the craft didn't crash after being taken over.

The craft has been air-picked-up and been put down on its belly through the use of field forces.

Iran has and will protect its territorial integrity through the use of its advanced space technologies, which it has acquired through new space programme and Iran will not use this technology for aggression, but for only showing to other nations that the time of nuclear and so called western advance military technology has come to an end.

In my inputs in this forum over past years I have informed the readers of these capabilities of this new technology.

The size of the 27 meters of the craft is no problem to cover and the speed of the craft is child-play for this new space program.

He of coursed finished by praising the peacefulness of Iran.

We salute the advancement in space technology of Iranian scientists and thank them for the peaceful use of this new technology and I am sure we will see more in the coming near future how space will be a peaceful place with this technology in the hand of peace loving nation of Iran.

Here is a picture of the craft being captured.

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