Thursday, October 23, 2008

Putting it to the Test

A few posts ago, I wrote about wanting to yell really loud and see if it would cause everything to fix its self.

I tried this over the weekend. I was leaving a wedding and had had a bad day and had kind of ignored some friends. I wasn't mad at them, just in a bad mood. They probably didn't even notice. Anyway, I left the wedding and the entire time this was on my mind. I was frustrated with myself for ignoring my friends and for being in a bad mood and decided to try to yell to see if it would all be fixed. And yell I did. When I finished, nothing changed except the soreness of my throat. So I did the only thing to fix it, I turned around and spent some time with my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of weeks ago I did the same thing. I yelled in my car at 7:30 in the're right...nothing changed...