The museum is three floors that outlines the story of Texas, from the early days of the Natives to the Spanish explorations through the Mexican and Texas revolutions, continuing into the Civil War, the development of agriculture, the impact of ranching, the discovery and exploration of oil, and into the 21st century. There is even an exhibit on the history of Texas according to Hollywood!
I enjoyed the museum. Some of the things I really enjoyed were the original documents on display. Many of the letters, treaties, newspaper articles, and other interesting and important documents from the history of Texas were displayed. I enjoyed getting to see these on display.
I felt for the most part, the museum was nicely laid out, moving in chronological order within several different topics. The only part I felt was not laid out well was the first floor. I felt that as I moved around the exhibits, I jumped between the pre-Columbian Natives, the Spaniards, and the French without any coherent order. Though it may have been I didn't follow the correct order!
I love museums and am very slow when going through them. Today I spent over an hour per floor and didn't get to finish the museum in the four hours I had.
Everyday it is important to learn something new. Today I learned more about the history of the great state of Texas.
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