Another Friday has arrived. I've been listen to Gin Blossoms today, kind of a throw back to the 90's. But the embedded feature of their youtube videos has been disabled. So instead, we will listen to David Wilcox's Start with the Ending. I really like it because it explains my view of dating.
I don't like dating. I feel that in the normal sense of dating, it is hard to get to know someone because you are always putting your best foot forward and wearing a mask of your good qualities. I like being friends because you can be yourself. If I have a bad day with a friend, not only will they still be there, they will help with it. I can be myself with them.
If I date someone, I want to date my friend.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Doing What I Say
I find it frustrating when people say they will do something and do not. In the past two weeks, I have had two people tell me they would do something and then failed to do it. It meant that I made a wasted trip to various places and had to make a second trip to do what I had to do because others had not done their part. I am not upset at the people, but I do wish that people would do what they say they will do.
Since it bothers me when others do it, I try to make sure that I do what I say I will do. I am sure I have failed to do so many times though. As I strive to do better, I will remember to not be upset with others. But remember, if you say you will do something, do it!
Since it bothers me when others do it, I try to make sure that I do what I say I will do. I am sure I have failed to do so many times though. As I strive to do better, I will remember to not be upset with others. But remember, if you say you will do something, do it!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Eyes on the Sky
I delayed my run until 9 tonight so I could see the space station fly over. I tried to time it so I was running in a dark area that had a clear view of the north-western sky. I had seen on a NASA website that it would be visible in my area starting at 9:03PM at 305°. Sure enough, right at 9:03 a bright light appeared where NASA said it would. It crossed the sky, passing within what seemed less than an inch of the moon. I watched it for about 5 minutes as it tracked through space at some 17,000 mph. As I write this, just 40 minutes later, they are already over the Indian Ocean. I tried to catch up but they are pretty fast, so I waved as they disappeared over the horizon.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Chaos in the Church!
This morning I went to a new church in the area I just moved to. It was a traditional service. The sermon was titled Our Salvation is based upon.... The pastor opened his message with a story of a conversation he recently had with his son. The son asked him if he had to go to church to go to heaven. After all, he was a pretty good guy and did lots of good things. He asked his dad if someone like Jeffrey Dahmer, who had done horrible things but repented and found God before he died would make it into heaven before him?
A child sitting in the front yelled out "yes!" The pastor and the congregation just about lost it. The pastor collected his notes and said "clearly, this message has been received here!"
The message did continue with his message. He said his son was asking if behavior was enough.
The pastor turned to several places in the Scriptures to indicate the opposite. First, Luke 18:9-14.
To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' "But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
The pastor said that we should measure ourselves against God, not others. He also said that the prayers of the proud are not heard.
It reminded me that Christianity is quite humbling. It requires my testifying to God my weakness, my sins, my inability to make myself righteous.
Next the pastor turned to Luke 18:18-23
A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'" "All these I have kept since I was a boy," he said. When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth.
The rich young ruler tried to prove his righteousness by his works. Jesus pointed out that while impressive, it wasn't good enough.
Next we turned to John 21:15-17
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.
Peter is told to feed Jesus' sheep. To care for those who belong to God.
Next, John 14:15.
If you love me, you will obey what I command.
I think the order here is quite important. Jesus says that because we love him, we will obey, not that in order to receive His love, we must obey or that to love we must obey.
Next we moved into our we receive salvation. We turned to 1 John 5:1-5, 13.
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
Our salvation is not based on anything that we do, but on what God has done. If you believe, then you have it. You can know.
The pastor said that his son didn't know if he was saved. He asked him if he accepted Jesus as his savior. The son said yes. The preacher said then you have it, you just didn't know it.
The sermon started with the question "do I have to go to church to go to heaven." The pastor turned the question around as he said that this place isn't the church, we, the followers of Jesus, are the Church. He turned the question to "why do we gather weekly to worship together?" He listed various reasons.
-We say we can worship anywhere, but do we?
-The service provides an atmosphere to worship
-The service reminds us of God's love
-The service reminds us that we are family
-The service reminds us that we are not alone
-The service reminds us that God is still the ruler
-In sermons, sunday school, and Bible study, we learn about God
-Going to the service allows us to witness to others both in the service and those who know we go
-We like to be told that we are loved
-The service is a way of telling God that we love him.
I look forward to returning to this church.
A child sitting in the front yelled out "yes!" The pastor and the congregation just about lost it. The pastor collected his notes and said "clearly, this message has been received here!"
The message did continue with his message. He said his son was asking if behavior was enough.
The pastor turned to several places in the Scriptures to indicate the opposite. First, Luke 18:9-14.
To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' "But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
The pastor said that we should measure ourselves against God, not others. He also said that the prayers of the proud are not heard.
It reminded me that Christianity is quite humbling. It requires my testifying to God my weakness, my sins, my inability to make myself righteous.
Next the pastor turned to Luke 18:18-23
A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.'" "All these I have kept since I was a boy," he said. When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth.
The rich young ruler tried to prove his righteousness by his works. Jesus pointed out that while impressive, it wasn't good enough.
Next we turned to John 21:15-17
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.
Peter is told to feed Jesus' sheep. To care for those who belong to God.
Next, John 14:15.
If you love me, you will obey what I command.
I think the order here is quite important. Jesus says that because we love him, we will obey, not that in order to receive His love, we must obey or that to love we must obey.
Next we moved into our we receive salvation. We turned to 1 John 5:1-5, 13.
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
Our salvation is not based on anything that we do, but on what God has done. If you believe, then you have it. You can know.
The pastor said that his son didn't know if he was saved. He asked him if he accepted Jesus as his savior. The son said yes. The preacher said then you have it, you just didn't know it.
The sermon started with the question "do I have to go to church to go to heaven." The pastor turned the question around as he said that this place isn't the church, we, the followers of Jesus, are the Church. He turned the question to "why do we gather weekly to worship together?" He listed various reasons.
-We say we can worship anywhere, but do we?
-The service provides an atmosphere to worship
-The service reminds us of God's love
-The service reminds us that we are family
-The service reminds us that we are not alone
-The service reminds us that God is still the ruler
-In sermons, sunday school, and Bible study, we learn about God
-Going to the service allows us to witness to others both in the service and those who know we go
-We like to be told that we are loved
-The service is a way of telling God that we love him.
I look forward to returning to this church.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Is it still Friday in Hawaii?
Friday came and went and we didn't listen to any music! Here is one for the moment, Kelly Willis singing I Have Not Forgotten You.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Grandma Stories
I was talking to my grandma this evening. She has lots of great and funny stories about her life. This evening, she told me about her learning how to drive.
She learned to drive in the mid 30's, when she was about 12. She would drive her dad around as he taught her the rules of the road. She was taught to backup by a truck driver driving a dump truck. She said she didn't even know that there was a drivers education book until she was 21 and failed the written driving test to get her first license. One day when she was 13, her mom sent her to downtown Houston to pick up her dad, and she took her little brother with her. The traffic was horrendous, but she made it to his office. When she pulled up, he walked up to the car and asked where her mother was. She said that she had sent her alone. As she slid over in the seat to let him drive, he climbed in the back and said "If you drove through that mess you can drive anywhere you want." So at 13 she began driving on her own, without a license until she was 21, when she got her license on the second try. She said that it was how she learned to drive but "I don't recommend that people do that."
She learned to drive in the mid 30's, when she was about 12. She would drive her dad around as he taught her the rules of the road. She was taught to backup by a truck driver driving a dump truck. She said she didn't even know that there was a drivers education book until she was 21 and failed the written driving test to get her first license. One day when she was 13, her mom sent her to downtown Houston to pick up her dad, and she took her little brother with her. The traffic was horrendous, but she made it to his office. When she pulled up, he walked up to the car and asked where her mother was. She said that she had sent her alone. As she slid over in the seat to let him drive, he climbed in the back and said "If you drove through that mess you can drive anywhere you want." So at 13 she began driving on her own, without a license until she was 21, when she got her license on the second try. She said that it was how she learned to drive but "I don't recommend that people do that."
Let's go aboard the USS Alabama!
The USS Alabama (BB-60) is a decommissioned US Navy warship that is now on display at the Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile, AL. The park also includes the USS Drum (SSN-228),a WWII era submarine.
The Alabama served proudly during her short naval career. She served in the US Navy from 1942 to 1947 first in the North Atlantic, then in the Pacific campaign. Her kills and awards are below.

Let's take a tour of the USS Alabama.


The ship's bell.

The US Naval Jack on the jack staff at the bow of the ship. This jack is not currently used by the US Navy. They are currently using the First US Navy Jack during the Global War on Terror.
The First US Naval Jack onboard the USS Texas (BB-35)
Let's look at some of the weapon systems on board the Alabama.

20mm anti-air gun

This shows the 1st and 2nd 16 inch 45 caliber turrets.

This is the inside of the #2 turret.

5 inch guns.

This is the 5 inch radar director which controlled the 5 inch guns.
Let's go below.
First, let's take a look at sleeping quarters.
Here we have officer quarters. This stateroom is set up as LT W. T. Door's stateroom. During wartime, the staterooms would hold two officers and served as their office.


Next we will take a look at some crew berthing.

Cramped would hardly describe this place!
Next we will take a look at the Skipper's sea cabin up by the bridge. This is where the captain lived while at sea.

Now, we will move to the most important part of the ship, the galley. Sailors don't work on empty stomachs!
First, the crew's galley.

This galley was were the officer's mess was prepared. The officers would have typically eaten in the wardroom.

Now we will look at some of the workstations on board the Alabama.
First, the supply officer

The sign on the right was in this office, just above the typewriter on the left.
This next office was of the Chief Master at Arms. Jimmy Legs served at the chief of the police for the ship. As the sign on the ship said, he did not win many popularity contests.

Is that a billy club on the rack? Note the various chief rating patches on the bulkhead.
The Alabama carried a detachment of Marines. Here is the landing force equipment office.

Next we have the radio room. This was Radio Central.

Next, the combat information center. Information was analyzed and disseminated here. The ship could also be navigated by radar from this compartment. One guy touring the ship said when passing this compartment, "They need to let me take this puppy for a spin!" I hope they don't.

Here is central station, which was the Executive Officer's battle station. The ship could be controlled from here. Note the master gyro-compass in the foreground.

Finally the power house of the ship, the engine room. The wheels would control the steam flow, one for forward, one for reverse. The generator is the high pressure steam turbine.


Fair winds and following seas.
The Alabama served proudly during her short naval career. She served in the US Navy from 1942 to 1947 first in the North Atlantic, then in the Pacific campaign. Her kills and awards are below.
Let's take a tour of the USS Alabama.
The ship's bell.
The US Naval Jack on the jack staff at the bow of the ship. This jack is not currently used by the US Navy. They are currently using the First US Navy Jack during the Global War on Terror.

Let's look at some of the weapon systems on board the Alabama.
20mm anti-air gun
This shows the 1st and 2nd 16 inch 45 caliber turrets.
This is the inside of the #2 turret.
5 inch guns.
This is the 5 inch radar director which controlled the 5 inch guns.
Let's go below.
First, let's take a look at sleeping quarters.
Here we have officer quarters. This stateroom is set up as LT W. T. Door's stateroom. During wartime, the staterooms would hold two officers and served as their office.
Next we will take a look at some crew berthing.
Cramped would hardly describe this place!
Next we will take a look at the Skipper's sea cabin up by the bridge. This is where the captain lived while at sea.
Now, we will move to the most important part of the ship, the galley. Sailors don't work on empty stomachs!
First, the crew's galley.
This galley was were the officer's mess was prepared. The officers would have typically eaten in the wardroom.
Now we will look at some of the workstations on board the Alabama.
First, the supply officer
The sign on the right was in this office, just above the typewriter on the left.
This next office was of the Chief Master at Arms. Jimmy Legs served at the chief of the police for the ship. As the sign on the ship said, he did not win many popularity contests.
Is that a billy club on the rack? Note the various chief rating patches on the bulkhead.
The Alabama carried a detachment of Marines. Here is the landing force equipment office.
Next we have the radio room. This was Radio Central.
Next, the combat information center. Information was analyzed and disseminated here. The ship could also be navigated by radar from this compartment. One guy touring the ship said when passing this compartment, "They need to let me take this puppy for a spin!" I hope they don't.
Here is central station, which was the Executive Officer's battle station. The ship could be controlled from here. Note the master gyro-compass in the foreground.
Finally the power house of the ship, the engine room. The wheels would control the steam flow, one for forward, one for reverse. The generator is the high pressure steam turbine.
Fair winds and following seas.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Let's go aboard the USS Drum!
The USS Drum (SS-228) is a decommissioned US Navy submarine that is now on display at the Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile, AL. She served in the Pacific Ocean from 1941 to 1946, sinking 15 ships. The park also includes the USS Alabama (BB-60), a decommissioned battleship.
Let's take a tour of the USS Drum.

As we make our way fore, we pass the ship's bell.

Continuing to the bow, we look back and see the sub's sail.

Looks like there is a place we can enter the sub. Let's go!
Climbing down the ladder well, we find the forward torpedo room.

Looks like Seaman Smuchatelli is still down here working. He looks pretty good for having been working for the last 65 years.
This guy is kind of stiff and not very friendly, so lets continue aft of the torpedo room.
We next come across a shower.

How odd.
Next we have officer quarters and the wardroom. The wardroom is where the officers of the ship have their meals.

The wardroom was on the port side of the ship.
Across the passageway was the officer quarters. They included two rooms which held two officers. She would carry a compliment of six officers.

There are two bunks in this room.
Aft of the officer quarters was the Skipper's quarter.

It appears the only different is that the captain has his own rack.
Continuing back, we find the Chief quarters, which consisted of five racks for the chief's of the boat. Chiefs, E-7 through E-9 in the Navy, serve as Non-Commissioned Officers.

Next we find the crew's mess, where they ate.
Note the game boards built into the table. I'm sure these worked real well when the sub was rolling in a storm!
Next we find enlisted quarter's. The ship would carry 54 enlisted personnel.

Next we have the control room.

These would be used to control the speed of the ship.
Next we have the engine room. The sub could run at 21 knots on the surface, or 9 knots when submerged.

Finally, we reach the stern of the ship and find the rear torpedo tubes.

We also find a ladder well to get us out of here. Let's take it above.

We made it back top side!
Let's take a tour of the USS Drum.
As we make our way fore, we pass the ship's bell.
Continuing to the bow, we look back and see the sub's sail.
Looks like there is a place we can enter the sub. Let's go!
Climbing down the ladder well, we find the forward torpedo room.
Looks like Seaman Smuchatelli is still down here working. He looks pretty good for having been working for the last 65 years.
This guy is kind of stiff and not very friendly, so lets continue aft of the torpedo room.
We next come across a shower.
How odd.
Next we have officer quarters and the wardroom. The wardroom is where the officers of the ship have their meals.
The wardroom was on the port side of the ship.
Across the passageway was the officer quarters. They included two rooms which held two officers. She would carry a compliment of six officers.
There are two bunks in this room.
Aft of the officer quarters was the Skipper's quarter.
It appears the only different is that the captain has his own rack.
Continuing back, we find the Chief quarters, which consisted of five racks for the chief's of the boat. Chiefs, E-7 through E-9 in the Navy, serve as Non-Commissioned Officers.
Next we find the crew's mess, where they ate.
Note the game boards built into the table. I'm sure these worked real well when the sub was rolling in a storm!
Next we find enlisted quarter's. The ship would carry 54 enlisted personnel.
Next we have the control room.
These would be used to control the speed of the ship.
Next we have the engine room. The sub could run at 21 knots on the surface, or 9 knots when submerged.
Finally, we reach the stern of the ship and find the rear torpedo tubes.
We also find a ladder well to get us out of here. Let's take it above.
We made it back top side!
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's Friday, so let's listen to a song!
This week, we will listen to Terri Hendrix and Lloyd Maines perform "I Found The Lions." The song is also called, "Mean People Suck." The chorus is
Dont mess with the mighty mighty jungle
Swim through the ocean
Eat the fish in the sea
Dont mess with the mighty mighty jungle
Because where you find the lions
You will find me
Rest of the lyrics can be found here.
I have no idea what the song means.
Dont mess with the mighty mighty jungle
Swim through the ocean
Eat the fish in the sea
Dont mess with the mighty mighty jungle
Because where you find the lions
You will find me
Rest of the lyrics can be found here.
I have no idea what the song means.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Saving Money
Today in class, I continued a unit about computer networking. It made me realize how much I use my computer.
I use my computer a lot. I use it for storing and editing photos; creating, editing, and storing documents; email; internet access; VoIP; chat; budgeting; and various other applications.
These applications could be done without the computer, but think of how expensive it would be!
I write about 5 emails a day. 1 of which is international. If I was to send these first class and airmail, it would cost me 4*$0.44 + $0.94 = $2.70/day
Chat and VoIP
I use chat a lot. I'd estimate that the amount I use chat would be comparable to 1 hour on the phone. Based on my cell phone plan, I spend roughly $0.06/min. So based on this rate, I spend 60*$0.06 = $3.60/day
I also use Skype about once a month for an international call that lasts about an hour. Without skype, that would cost me $0.12/min. So that is another 60*$0.12=$7.20/month
File Storage
My computer holds tons of files. Articles I have found on the internet, reports I've received, papers I've written, instructions, all can be found on my computer. These would easily fill a large file cabinet. That would cost $150.
My computer has tons of photos. Not only ones I have taken, but also ones others have taken. My computer has over 7,000 photos on it. If these were all printed out at $0.20 a piece, it would be 7000*$0.20 = $1400
Now I also need to store those photos. Let's get some photo albums. We will get some that hold 300 photos for $30. So that is 24*$30 = $720
Now I also have a photo website. The only reason I made it is so that I can see my photos wherever I am. So I would need to print another copy of those photos and some photos albums. There are about 1,000 photos on that website, so that is 1000*$0.20 + 4*$30 = $320
That's a total of $1400+$720+$320 = $2440
I use the internet for news, entertainment, information, and a host of other things. It has replaced my television as I do not own one. I can watch the things I want, such as sports, on the internet. For entertainment, I can watch a DVD or a video on youtube on my computer. For information, the internet and sites like wikipedia have replaced the set of encyclopedias that I had when I was a kid. We'll use a cheaper television at $500, a cheap DVD player $20, and a World Book Encyclopedia $1000. So the internet saves me at least $500 + $20 + $1000 = $1520
I love music. I am always listening to music on my computer. Because I have a computer, I do not have a stereo. So that would be $500. The music is all from CD's or bought on the internet.
I budget on my computer, but would be able to do this with just a piece of paper without the computer.
So on just these few applications, the internet saves me on
Mail - $2.70/day
Phone calls - $3.60/day + $7.20/month
File Storage - $150
Photos - $2440
Entertainment - $520
Encyclopedia - $1,000
Stereo - $500
Or $4610 + $6.30/day + $7.20/month.
I use my computer a lot. I use it for storing and editing photos; creating, editing, and storing documents; email; internet access; VoIP; chat; budgeting; and various other applications.
These applications could be done without the computer, but think of how expensive it would be!
I write about 5 emails a day. 1 of which is international. If I was to send these first class and airmail, it would cost me 4*$0.44 + $0.94 = $2.70/day
Chat and VoIP
I use chat a lot. I'd estimate that the amount I use chat would be comparable to 1 hour on the phone. Based on my cell phone plan, I spend roughly $0.06/min. So based on this rate, I spend 60*$0.06 = $3.60/day
I also use Skype about once a month for an international call that lasts about an hour. Without skype, that would cost me $0.12/min. So that is another 60*$0.12=$7.20/month
File Storage
My computer holds tons of files. Articles I have found on the internet, reports I've received, papers I've written, instructions, all can be found on my computer. These would easily fill a large file cabinet. That would cost $150.
My computer has tons of photos. Not only ones I have taken, but also ones others have taken. My computer has over 7,000 photos on it. If these were all printed out at $0.20 a piece, it would be 7000*$0.20 = $1400
Now I also need to store those photos. Let's get some photo albums. We will get some that hold 300 photos for $30. So that is 24*$30 = $720
Now I also have a photo website. The only reason I made it is so that I can see my photos wherever I am. So I would need to print another copy of those photos and some photos albums. There are about 1,000 photos on that website, so that is 1000*$0.20 + 4*$30 = $320
That's a total of $1400+$720+$320 = $2440
I use the internet for news, entertainment, information, and a host of other things. It has replaced my television as I do not own one. I can watch the things I want, such as sports, on the internet. For entertainment, I can watch a DVD or a video on youtube on my computer. For information, the internet and sites like wikipedia have replaced the set of encyclopedias that I had when I was a kid. We'll use a cheaper television at $500, a cheap DVD player $20, and a World Book Encyclopedia $1000. So the internet saves me at least $500 + $20 + $1000 = $1520
I love music. I am always listening to music on my computer. Because I have a computer, I do not have a stereo. So that would be $500. The music is all from CD's or bought on the internet.
I budget on my computer, but would be able to do this with just a piece of paper without the computer.
So on just these few applications, the internet saves me on
Mail - $2.70/day
Phone calls - $3.60/day + $7.20/month
File Storage - $150
Photos - $2440
Entertainment - $520
Encyclopedia - $1,000
Stereo - $500
Or $4610 + $6.30/day + $7.20/month.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Song of the Week
It's Friday, so let's celebrate with some good music!
This song, titled United Breaks Guitars, is by Dave Carroll and is based on a true story. He has promised more songs about this incident.
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your musical pleasure, The Sons of Maxwell and United Breaks Guitars
This song, titled United Breaks Guitars, is by Dave Carroll and is based on a true story. He has promised more songs about this incident.
Ladies and Gentlemen, for your musical pleasure, The Sons of Maxwell and United Breaks Guitars
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I Will Go
My job is having me move again next week, my 2nd move this month. I'll then be making two more moves in two and four months, respectively. My move next week is taking me away from my training, which will be completed when I return in two months, and placing me into my job, before I have completed training. The leaving and returning is not part of the normal training plan. I am not really sure what they will do with me when I arrive, I don't even know if they know I am coming. I don't know what I will be doing when I get there and am not even trained to do what I should be doing. I don't have a place to stay yet and my affairs are not in order. But I will go. And I will do.
God calls us this way to do His will. I wouldn't say that I am ready to do God's will, I still have so much more to learn! But He calls us and sends us as we are.
Jonah was certainly not ready for his job, he even tried to escape from it! God decided to not let Jonah flee but instead convinced him to go to Ninevah after being thrown off the ship and swallowed by a whale. Jonah went and did his job, and did it quite well! The message of God was received by the people and they repented of their sins and God did not destroy them.
The disciples were certainly not prepared when they were sent out. They seemed to understand very little of what Jesus taught them at the time. But they were sent out and how powerful they were! The ministry of Jesus that they continued to carry out has perpetuated 2,000 years later because of what they and others following them have done.
Moses was not prepared for his job. He seemed quite happy to be a shepherd when God called him to go and speak to Pharaoh. He tried to reason with God that he wasn't even capable of doing the task because of his speech. Reluctantly, Moses went. He led the Israelites out of Egypt and to through the desert, delivering them to the promise land.
These people were successful not because of something special about them. They were successful because of the Spirit of God working in them. When God sends us places, he doesn't send us alone, but with His Spirit. In Matthew 10, Jesus tells the disciples that he is sending them out and they will be attacked like sheep in the midst of wolves. That they will be arrested and killed. But he tells them to not worry for the Spirit of God will be working in them and leading their speech.
My job may not be leading me into a den of wolves for the sake of God, but I still go with God's Spirit. As a Christian, I am always to be a testament of God's love, a light unto the world. I go with the assurance that God goes with me. In Him do I trust. I will go and God will be with me.
God calls us this way to do His will. I wouldn't say that I am ready to do God's will, I still have so much more to learn! But He calls us and sends us as we are.
Jonah was certainly not ready for his job, he even tried to escape from it! God decided to not let Jonah flee but instead convinced him to go to Ninevah after being thrown off the ship and swallowed by a whale. Jonah went and did his job, and did it quite well! The message of God was received by the people and they repented of their sins and God did not destroy them.
The disciples were certainly not prepared when they were sent out. They seemed to understand very little of what Jesus taught them at the time. But they were sent out and how powerful they were! The ministry of Jesus that they continued to carry out has perpetuated 2,000 years later because of what they and others following them have done.
Moses was not prepared for his job. He seemed quite happy to be a shepherd when God called him to go and speak to Pharaoh. He tried to reason with God that he wasn't even capable of doing the task because of his speech. Reluctantly, Moses went. He led the Israelites out of Egypt and to through the desert, delivering them to the promise land.
These people were successful not because of something special about them. They were successful because of the Spirit of God working in them. When God sends us places, he doesn't send us alone, but with His Spirit. In Matthew 10, Jesus tells the disciples that he is sending them out and they will be attacked like sheep in the midst of wolves. That they will be arrested and killed. But he tells them to not worry for the Spirit of God will be working in them and leading their speech.
My job may not be leading me into a den of wolves for the sake of God, but I still go with God's Spirit. As a Christian, I am always to be a testament of God's love, a light unto the world. I go with the assurance that God goes with me. In Him do I trust. I will go and God will be with me.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Too Wet


I love going to the beach. It seems I have spent a majority of my life on the beach. I love seeing the wildlife, the dunes, the fishing, the shelling. I could stay at the beach forever and be happy. But that water keeps looking at me.
It keeps looking at me as if it wants me to go swimming. To jump in the waves. To get completely soaked. To get wet. But I don't want to get wet!
I use to enjoy swimming. When I was a kid, I loved swimming in the pool, at the lake, at the beach. But as I got older, I didn't like it as much. Now, I just do not like to swim at all.
I recently tried swimming again in a pool in an apartment complex. I got in, swam a couple of laps, then immediately got out and never got back in again. I didn't like being so wet!
My parents have a dog they rescued who is a border collie mix. Ever since they got her, she hated water. When I was younger, I would play in the sprinkler while the dog watched. She would finally get so frustrated that she couldn't be where I was that she would finally stand in the spray of the sprinkler. She hated it.
When I got older, I started taking the dog to the beach. She loved running off leash, taking in the smells and exploring new places. But that water kept calling her.
She and I would both just stand there looking at it, trying to figure out what it was that we didn't like about being so wet. It isn't that I can't swim, I can. I just don't like being wet! So instead, the dog and I stay on the shore. We are happy here, but we don't understand why the water is calling us.
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