Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What do you want?

What do you want in life? What do you want from your job? Do you want money? A sense of accomplishment? To be recognized? What do you want from relationships? Do you want to have a lot of friends? Do you want to have a few close friends? Do you want to date? What do you want out of your free time? Do you want to relax? Do you want to do hobbies? Do you want to spend time with others? Do you want to just make it last? What do you want?

I don't really know what I want. I could tell you what I want, but do I live that way? I could tell you from my job I want to have enough to live, but I take home much more than I need to live and still manage to spend it. I could tell you in my free time I want to be outdoors, read, and write. But I do not spend the majority of my free time doing these things. I could tell you in my relationships I want to have a few close friends. And I do. But I could also tell you that I do not want to date, but have and some of those close friends would say that I do want to date.

Maybe I should figure out what I want. Right now, I want a cup of coffee so I can sit outside and read.

1 comment:

chuck said...

I as well have come to the point where I realized my actions do not match up with what I want out of life in some aspects. Really though, I think it is so difficult to have total control of your life...its pretty much a balancing act. The worst state though is when you desire whatever you don't have. For instance, I often times feel like I don't get exactly what I want out of my job, but after further reflection, there are many aspects that I should be enjoying much more.