Sunday, August 16, 2009


I've been attending a Sunday school class the past few weeks that I have really enjoyed. The people in the class are senior to me by 20-50 years, but they have accepted me and made me feel welcome.

We have been studying the book of 1st John. John often writes in the book that if you are of God, you will love others. If you do not love others, you are not of God. One of the questions raised in the class by a member was if one can know for sure if they are saved. That I believe in Jesus but I still do some really bad things so I am not sure if I am saved.

I went to the coffee shop that afternoon and thought about the question. I wrote some ideas about how to know if you are saved along with scripture justification.

First, can we know if we are saved? Yes (1 John 5:13)

So how can we know? Well, I jotted down a short test.

1. Do you believe? (John 3:16)
2. Are you striving to not sin? (Romans 6:1-14)
3. Do you live by God's word? (1 John 2:3)
4. Do you strive to do good? (James 1:26 - 27, James 2: 14-26, 1 John 2: 5b-6)
5. Are you producing fruit? (Galatians 5: 16-24)

If you can answer yes to these questions, then you are saved

A few weeks ago, in the post post was Chaos in the Church!, I wrote about a sermon I heard. Part of the sermon dealt with knowing if you are saved. The pastor kept it simple. Do you believe in Jesus? Then you are saved.

I think the pastor is correct in his simplicity. I think my original test maybe a little too long. A better test would be:

Did you know God loves you? Do you believe in Jesus? Yes? Great, you are saved, Now go and Love.

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