Monday, November 19, 2007

Today at School

Today the science department at my school was suppose to meet with the dean of science instruction for the school district. The meeting was scheduled for 4 PM. By 4, all of us teachers had gathered and awaited the dean. None of us really knew what the meeting was to be about. Since I had never met the dean, I was eager to see who it was that was in charge of all science instruction. By 4:15 the department head dismissed us as the dean had not shown up. Kind of sad when the dean doesn't seem to care about the science education at my school.

Classes went well today. We were studying electrolytes and ionization. After we had a brief lesson on electrolytes, we did a lab. The students were using a battery, wire, and light bulb to identify strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, and non-electrolytes. They seemed to learn something about electrolytes and did well in the lab. Tomorrow is the last day before the Thanksgiving break. Because of that, we will be taking it easy. We will be doing a critical thinking scenario that I got from NASA. The scenario is that the students were on a moon ship that crashed. The students must travel across the moon to rendezvous with the mothership. They have 15 items and must rank them in order of important for their survival and transportation needs. The students love space so I am sure they will enjoy it.

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