Thursday, June 20, 2019

Let the adventure begin

Today we begin our adventures in Grand Teton National Park.

My brother and I got up early to drive and go look for wildlife. We saw some elk this morning.

After making breakfast for the family, we loaded up and headed first to Menors Ferry Historical District which includes the Church of the Transfiguration. The view out the window behind the altar is better than any stained glass window I've ever seen.

We then headed to Jenny Lake. We hit the Jenny Lake Loop trail westbound from the South Jenny Lake Junction. Coming to the Moose Ponds, we took the loop around them. No moose were seen, but we did see a marmot.

We continued along the Jenny Lake trail and came across one spot that had quite a few people nervous. The trail went across a rock slide and had a steep drop off on the lake side of the trail.

The trail has tons of openings to see the beautiful lake.


We made it to our destination, Hidden Falls. We took the obligatory family pic, but the kids were more interested in turning a log into a slide.

Afterwards, we hiked down to the dock. We paid our one-way fare and rode the shuttle across the lake on a cold windy day.

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