Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Arrival

Day 4 of the Great American Roadtrip, we made it.

We left Keystone, South Dakota after breakfast at Subway. Nancy was working behind the counter. After ordering for the rest of the family, I asked her what her favorite breakfast was. She told me and it sounded good, so I asked her to prepare mine the way she liked hers. She made it to her specific specifications, then while ringing it up, asked if I would tell her what I thought about it after I tried it. I told her that I would. She then asked me how I would do that since I was taking the order to go. I told her that I would find a way. "Want me phone number?" she asked. "Sure," I said. After trying the sandwich, I texted Subway Nancy what I thought about it, it was a darn good breakfast sandwich.

We left the Black Hills and entered into the plains of eastern Wyoming. A stop at the Walmart in Casper for provisions and we settled into a long drive on US 26 to the Grand Tetons.

We've been on the road a long time. We've had 4 full days of driving, around 2,000 miles, including just under 500 today alone. The family was tired and needed a pick-me-up. That's when we cleared the crest of a ridgeline and saw the Tetons.

"Wow," my wife said. I smiled. It was even more beautiful than when I first saw them in August of 2007. When I first saw the Tetons then, I was by myself coming from the south. They are even more beautiful from the east and when you are with someone to share it with.

"How did it get so beautiful?" my 7 year old son asked.

We drove down to Dornan's and met up with my brother and his family. We were ready to begin our exploration of Grand Teton and Yellowstone. We made it.

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