Friday, June 21, 2019

Summer Solstice, Snow, and Rafting

Woke up and went for a drive again with my brother to see wildlife. This morning my 4 year old daughter joined us.

We went drove Mormon Row first. Beautiful drive and saw buffalo and a coyote.

We then drove over to Schwabacher Landing. No wildlife, but a beautiful place.

Then after breakfast, we headed to Jackson to Dave Hansen White Water. We were doing the 21 mile combo trip, which has a 13 mile scenic trip and an 8 mile white water rafting trip down the Snake River. Lunch was included inbetween.

During our scenic ride, we didn't see much wildlife, though it was scenic. Wildlife was limited to birds.

Then we noticed the weather changing. A few snow showers were passing through the area.

On the summer solstice, we got caught in a snow shower, graupel to be specific.

Then after lunch, it was time for the white water trip. My 7 year old boy isn't much for excitement like this, but after I showed him a video of it, he said he wanted to do it. I signed him up, but expected the worst. The worst happened.

We hit the first bump and he burst into tears. Luckily my sister-in-law sat in the back and held him for the rest of the trip. The guide was excellent and talked to him the entire time and warned my SIL when big drops or rapids were coming. We hit the "lunch table" and this picture captures the moment beautifully.

Afterwards we got back on the bus and tried to warm up. Pro tip, bring a set of dry clothes with you on the bus.

That night we went for a wildlife drive between Moose and Jackson down Spring Gulch road. Saw some moose and beautiful country.

Another beautiful day in the Grand Tetons.

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